HAConvGNN: Hierarchical Attention Based Convolutional Graph Neural Network for Code Documentation Generation in Jupyter Notebooks

Many data scientists use Jupyter notebook to experiment code, visualize results, and document rationales or interpretations. The code documentation generation CDG task in notebooks is related but different from the code summarization task in software …

How Much Automation Does a Data Scientist Want?

Themisto: Towards Automated Documentation Generation in Computational Notebooks

Preserve, Promote, or Attack? GNN Explanation via Topology Perturbation

Prior works on formalizing explanations of a graph neural network (GNN) focus on a single use case - to preserve the prediction results through identifying important edges and nodes. In this paper, we develop a multi-purpose interpretation framework …

Solving Constrained CASH Problems with ADMM

Slack Channels Ecology in Enterprises: How Employees Collaborate Through Group Chat